Andrew kelly Wildlife and Landscape Photography



August 2012

Wildlife Photography Workshop

I am hold a wildlife photography workshop on Sat 25 August in Carlow in Blackstairs Eco Trails .
The day will comprise a number of talks and walks with practical camera work.
To book, register at

Otter Release, Donegal, Fri 3 Aug

Whilst volunteering for the Irish Wildlife Rehabilitation Trust last year, I brought an Otter from Ireland to Scotland to be rehabilited by the International Otter survival Trust at their rehabilitation centre on the Isle of Skye. This was the only place suitable at the time. This week, I drove to Belfast, took the ferry and collected the otter (half way to Skye) for its return to Donegal. It was a long drive back to Donegal (and a smelly one!). A soft release (kept on location for a few days before release) was done and now the otter is back in Donegal living in the beautiful Glenveagh NP, with four types of fish to choose from.


The fantastic release site in Glenveagh National park

Otter in cage

The Otter

Little Tern project Baltray, 5 Aug

The season has ended for the Little Tern project in Baltray, where I do some wardening. It was not a good season for the little terns in County Louth with only 24 fledged chicks at Baltray. The terns can live for up to 20 years (must check that) and so hopefully the odd bad year will not affect the general sucess of the project, run by Louth Nature Trust. The bad year has been attributed to predation by a fox and bad weather. The bad weather destroyed a large part of the electric fence, allowing a fox to enter.
Elsewhere, the kingfishers that I was photographing also had bad luck when heavy rains raised the height of the river and drowned the chicks. The second brood failed in the same way.

Pine Marten Camera Trap, 9 Aug

I have been trying to photograph Pine Martens using a camera trap (Bushnell). So far I have only caught it once but the excitment of waiting to see what you got is similar to the old days of waiting to see how your photos came out. So far, I have snapped mice, rat, fox pine marten and deer. I will post images before the weekend (just record images). I have decide to find a site closer to home and intend to finish this weekend.


An exhibition of my photograph has now moved from Sage and Stone to Ashbourne Library.
I will be doing a short talk there on 21 Aug.

July 2012

Wildlife Photography Workshop

I am hold a wildlife photography workshop on 28 July in Botanic gardens from 10:00am to 1:00am.
The workshop is free and hosted by IWT and sponsored by Canon.
We will take a walk in the gardens after the workshop from 2:00pm - 5:00pm to try do some practical photography. To book, register at

New Kingfisher Gallery

Here is a new gallery of Kingfishers from several months back. Unfortunately the nest failed twice after high water levels flooded the nest and drowned the chicks. Kingfisher populations are known to fluctuate from high to low very quickly. After the cold snap two winters ago, populations dropped as many Kingfishers didn't survive the winter. So teh last thing that they needed was a deluge of a summer.

The images were taken under licence and there was no disturbance to the nest. Apologies for the late appearence of a July gallery, this was dues to illness and holidays in Mull.

Coming soon, images from Mull and a collection of small stuff from during the year.

Kingfisher Gallery


Kingfisher Gallery

Wildlife Conference Botanic Gardens

The IWT in conjunction with Canon have organised a wildlife conference in Botanic Garden Sat 28 July starting at 10:15am till 'lunch. Time and permitting, we will take a walk in the botanic gardens afterwards.

Places are limited and so you must register.

For more details, see

June 2012


After a recent trip to the saltees with the camera club (Navan Camera Club), here is a selection of images from the Saltees. Not the best day and being the busy period, we only got a few hours on the Island. However there are some interesting images of predation and partner feeding.

Click Here to see Gallery


Saltee Trip Gallery 






























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